Textbooks & Writing Aids
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As many ask for textbook suggestions to supplement the learning materials - here is a curated list drawn from the leading authors, all of whom have several decades of experience and multiple successful editions. I have personally taught with each of these courses over the years and believe these to be among the best in the business. You may choose any recent edition, save a lot of money, and still prosper immensely.
Crafting and Executing Strategy by Arthur Thompson. McGraw-Hill.
This is a classic text focusing on the full strategic planning and implementation cycle, and includes excellent coverage of international applications and opportunity management.
Developing Management Skills by David Whetten & Kim Cameron. Person.
This text is more like a workbook, it features review-oriented doses of theory as it focuses on skills and individual competencies involved in the managerial function. This is a rare and highly valuable practitioner’s text and how-to guide..
Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior by Stephen Robbins & Timothy Judge. Pearson.
This text focuses extensively on the people side of organizational behavior at the individual, peer-to-peer, and organizational levels. It reveals the wisdom of effective management. The authors brought back classic OB thought and combined those with contemporary research to address modern managerial challenges.
Human Resource Management by Wayne Mondy and Joseph Martocchio. Pearson.
This text provides an excellent review of the main human resource functions and operating environment, and its content works exceptionally well with undergraduate students. A good review of the legal and compliance aspects of HRM is presented.
International Business
International Business by Charles Hill and Tomas Hult. McGraw Hill.
This classic edition is an excellent resource for graduate and professionals involved in the practice of international business. It does a superb job of presenting the unique differences between domestic and international business with people, processes, and cultural values in mind. It’s contents complement the Program on Negotiation Case Series (Harvard Business Publishing)
Negotiation by Roy Lewicki and David Saunders. McGraw Hill.
This is the top text in the discipline. Extensive coverage including a range of domestic and international negotiation scenarios and case studies. It is an excellent companion to the Dispute Resolution Research Center (Northwestern University).
Business Communication
Business Communication: Process and Product by Mary Ellen Guffey and Dana Loewy. Cengage Learning.
This text provides outstanding skill building opportunity alongside the strategy behind why and how business communication differs from academic communication. An essential guide for professionals in involved in business and industry.
Writing Assistance
Grammarly is a popular AI-based tool for helping you build skills in both business and academic writing. It is essential if you find yourself not knowing when to capitalize certain words, use punctuation properly, make proper quotations, or simply develop a writing style that appeals to your audience.